The mandir at Kariyani is among those where Lord Swaminarayan stayed and taught or preached.

The deities at the mandir are Lords Krishna and Swaminarayan with Radha (to be confirmed and, if necessary, corrected)

Lord Swaminarayan charnarvind, sometimes called lotus feet, have sixteen holy signs that are symbolic of his divinity. You can read about the 16 signs and their meanings here. The swastik mark in the right foot represents welfare for all who mediate upon it.

Mandir visitors can get very close to where Lord Swaminarayan stayed.

There is a well at the mandir and, in the background, a covered raised plinth and platform where Lord Swaminaryan taught and preached.

There is a gaushala at the mandir, a place where cows are kept according to ahimsa, meaning no harm, principles.

Notes due.

Perhaps we were fortunate to visit the mandir when it was quiet. As we left, two coach loads of followers or devotees arrived. The mandir is certainly a popular pilgrim destination.